“Megan is a super, wonderful, sensitive and incredibly intelligent woman. I would recommend her to anyone!”
– Louisville, KY
For the past few decades, we have been devoted to helping people live their most optimal life. Our goal is to give you practical, easy-to-use tools for your toolbox to handle all of life.
People who find what we offer beneficial usually identify with one or more of the following:
If you identify with any of the above, we can help!
Are you needing to refocus your attention and time?
Do you get pulled into helping others when you wish you could say “No”?
Do you feel guilty when others need help and you can't or don't want to help?
Are others encouraging you to set boundaries and reduce the amount you offer your time to others?
Are you ready to reclaim your time, your energy, and perhaps even your identity?
If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, we have a tried and true solution for you.
Ready to learn more? GREAT! Let's get started!
Many of us put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be our best, most helpful, kind, and caring selves. People like us. They want to spend time with us. What a wonderful feeling! Yet sometimes we may just want time to ourselves.
You may start to notice you feel burnt out, exhausted, or even apathetic. Perhaps you're ready to feel less stressed and anxious but everything you've tried doesn't seem to work.
What we offer is a way to shift your perspective just enough that you are able to begin to rewire your brain to become less stressed and anxious. We begin this process by learning how to set good boundaries for yourself, your time, and your energy.
After twenty-plus years of refining our techniques, we are making our methods more accessible to more people so anybody can live their most optimal life.
Ultimately, we want you to feel lighter, freer, and more empowered. Are you ready to FEEL MORE ALIVE and excited about life? Let us show you how!
Mindfulness is a wonderful way to get centered and feel grounded.
The link between the body and mind is profound. As you learn to think about things in new ways, you may notice your mind become calmer. As this happens, you may notice your body begin to follow your mind in this calmer state.
Our proven methods and tools help you shift your perspective and mindset just enough to see things in new ways that help relieve the mind of some of the tension it has been holding onto that you no longer need or want. This is one way our courses help you rewire your brain to feel less stress and tension. As our minds rewire and feel better, we may also begin to notice our bodies begin to relax and feel less tense.
When we invite ourselves to think a touch differently, we are slowing down just enough to become more mindful of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. We are checking in with ourselves to see where we are at the moment and notice what we are needing. Everything we teach comes with the intention of empowering you to listen to your own inner wisdom and do what’s best for yourself in a way that is compassionate and empowering. Who can say NO to that?!
Mindfulness is about awakening the Autopilot. We often go through our lives on autopilot, running from one thing to the next not really being conscious of how we are feeling, where our thoughts are, and whether or not we really need to be doing all we’re doing. Oftentimes this leaves us exhausted.
Mindfulness shifts your thinking from your Doing to your Being. We are after all human beings, NOT human doings. As we use Mindfulness to become aware of the present moment, we get connected to our “monkey mind” or “spinning thoughts” that often pushes us to keep doing more (and inevitably thinking more too).
The mind’s job is to wander, to jump around. Our job when living mindfully is to pay attention to where the mind wandered to, without judgment, and then gently bring our mind back to where we want it to be, in the present moment.
What this does is begins to calm the mind and inevitably the body as well. Just in the simple act of noticing, without judgment, you have begun to shift your perspective just 5%. This awareness allows you to be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and gives you the freedom to choose if you want to stay the course or change directions.